My Whole World Is Different Now
My whole world is different now. I’m a wife and a mother. I love it! I didn’t grow up in the most peaceful of homes. There was a lot of fighting and a lot of going without. I knew I wanted to do whatever it took to have a peaceful family home as an adult. I have worked very hard to provide that and God has truly blessed us with a happy home.
I love my husband and I love being a mom. I wasn’t always sure that I wanted children. Being the oldest in a large family sometimes has that effect. I couldn’t be happier being a mom! I can’t imagine my life differently. It’s the best job in the world that I never knew I wanted.
I’m happy, but sometimes…. Sometimes I miss the girl I was before. The girl I was in college, when there weren’t mortgages to worry about. The girl I used to be before staying up all night involved a crying baby. She was a lot of fun!
Find out how life changes after kids on the next page!
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